This page is designed to help you get your Tangled Web email set up quickly and easily. You will be using IMAP email for receipt and storage and SMTP to send. This combination gives you ultimate flexibility.

Your email settings are:

Username: <your email address>

Password: <contact tangled web>

PATHSecurity / encryptionPort
IMAPtangledweb.netSSL / TLS993
SMTPtangledweb.netSSL / TLS465 (password authentication on)

To see how to configure your hosted email account on your specific device, please see the following links:

If you would like to configure your email on a different device or mail client, please check the general configuration settings below.


Using IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol), your emails are downloaded on your device, but the emails are also retained on your mail server. The actions performed on your device are synchronized with your server. This protocol is appropriate for you if you use multiple devices to read your emails as they are synchronized and you can download all emails on all devices.

You will need to use Port 143 for a non-encrypted connection, or you can use Port 993 for secure connection.

Plesk, by default, uses a self-signed certificate for mail server, therefore, you may be presented with certificate warning notification while setting up connection in your mail client. Don’t worry though, your connection will still be valid and secure! You can also set up a secure connection with a custom certificate. For more details and pricing contact our SSL department.

Outgoing mail settings

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is used for sending emails.

The default non-secure ports are Port 25 and Port 587, while Port 465 is used for secure SMTP.

All tangledweb email is secured with a LetsEncrypt security certificate

How to confiqure your email

tangled web image